EOQ Georges Borel Award

Georges Borel (1911-1982) was a founding member and president of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) from 1971 to 1973.
He was one of the first quality managers in Europe and spent most of his career in the ITT group. He was the first in Europe to develop the zero default programmers at the Logistics Management plant in Rennes in 1967.


He was the first to combine management and quality control, technology and humanism : although Georges Borel was a scientist, he knew that irrational motives, such as feelings about good and evil, are often stronger than anything rational.

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Georges Borel (1911-1982)

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With the Georges Borel award, EOQ rewards individuals for their global impact in the field of quality.


EOQ in particular wants to recognise and thank those individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the EOQ mission: "To improve European society by promoting quality in the broadest sense".

The three categories of Georges Borel awards recognize professionals who are at the forefront of the development, use and dissemination of quality at governmental, European or global level. 


Candidates for the Georges Borel awards may be nominated by EOQ National Representatives and/or by the EOQ Secretary General. A nominated Jury evaluates the proposed candidates against defined criteria and the EOQ Executive Board decides the award winners from a short-list of candidates proposed by the Jury. The Georges Borel Award ceremony is organized on the occasion of the annual congress. 


All Georges Borel winners can be found on OUR STORY page. 

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European Quality Leader Award

The European Quality Leader (EQL) Award recognizes Quality Leaders who have enabled their organization to achieve significant success through his or her leadership and through quality processes implemented directly through her or his team.

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A European Quality Leader (EQL) candidate is nominated by EOQ National Representatives and - can only receive an EQL Award once in his/her life.

The comprehensive EQL-candidate evaluation will include their CV, publications and outstanding achievements (preferably at international level), leadership and organizational qualities, individual commitment and integrity, quality improvement and/or change projects (concerning customers, employees, investors, organization, environment, society,…) ...., among others.

For the EQL selection, facilitated by the Secretary General, the Board of Directors will compose the jury (including -if committed- the previous year's EQL award winner).
The jury evaluates the application documents submitted by NRs and then selects (based on the 5 highest average scores) up to 5 nominees.
The final winner is also designated by the jury.

The European Quality Leader (EQL) award  is celebrated at the annual EOQ congress.

All EQL winners can be found on OUR STORY page

Honorary Member

Persons who have made an exceptional contribution to the European Organization for Quality in the field of quality, may be awarded with the status of Honorary Member.

All Honorary Members can be found on OUR STORY page.

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